
The Oceanus Table. The "Persistent Environmental Excellence Award" No.1

A simple act of giving to reward giving. Pass it on.

The "Persistent Environmental Excellence Award" is given to a person, or organization for their hard work and tireless environmental effort in their community. Often their work goes beyond local outreach, impacting a global audience. For their dedication, Michael Yonke, a celebrated eco-designer, awards them a handmade one-of-a-kind work. Michael utilizes reclaimed wood and metal materials of unique beauty and quality cast aside by society to create stunning eco-art and furniture. His works embody an energetic intensity from the creation process and meticulous effort. Michael shares these same qualities and transformative powers with the environmentalists he awards. His Functional Art is an award to be lived with, a simple way to say thank you, and one that will last generations. The 1st award recipient is Sara Bayles of The Daily Ocean. Sara has collected over 1300 pounds of beach trash off her local beach. She just finished her 365 non-consecutive day goal. Sara photographs, weighs and writes about her beach cleanups at thedailyocean.blogspot.com. Her photographs become powerful art that inspires, and educates. She’s inspired others world-wide and has shown us how one small section of beach is a snap shot of a global issue effecting coasts everywhere. Thank you Sara Bayles and The Daily Ocean.

Recommendations for future awards are welcome.

Design notes : Oceanus -i m.Latin. [the ocean , the sea which encompasses the earth]; personif., [the father of the Nymphs]